Alicia Asin co-founded Libelium in 2006 and has been its CEO since the beginning. She is focused on how IoT is becoming the next tech revolution, starting with Smart Cities. She is a computer engineer by the University of Zaragoza and graduated by ESADE Business School.
Along her career, Alicia has received a number of distinctions. She was the first woman to receive the National Young Entrepreneur at the 2014 meeting of the Spanish Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs (CEAJE); chosen by Spain as “Española con Talento” for a country brand campaign; winner of Jaume I Award in 2017 for her entrepreneurship career and distinguished by European Comision as 2nd winner of Women Innovators in 2018. She is a frequent speaker at international conferences on issues related to Smart Cities and the IoT with the focus of how technology can make a positive impact in environment, jobs and raise the awareness of future ethics and privacy challenges.
Tech-lover but also aware of the challenges that technology arises, she cooperates with the World Economic Forum’s Council on the Connected World and the Hermes Institute Foundation to create best practices and guidelines for the ethical, secure, and inclusive use of connected technologies. As a woman in tech, she also support initiatives that promote STEAM education and women’s empowerment in the digital environment.
She is a frequent speaker at world events related to leadership, digital transformation or disruptive ideas and often appears in rankings of influential people (Choiseul, Forbes, Merca2, Business Insider, El País Retina, etc.) and has been awarded for her entrepreneurship, innovation ideas, and social impact with distinctions such as the National Young Entrepreneur Award, the EU Prize for Women Innovators or the Merit Gold Medal of Aragon Government among others.
About Libelium
Libelium is focusing on a strategic shift to offer complete IoT technology VALUE PROPOSITIONS specialized in vertical applications and tailoring IoT projects to improve competitiveness for industries, businesses and Smart Cities.